Michael Strickland

Michael is Director of Instruction and Professor of Theology at Amridge University. His PhD is in Theology from the University of Birmingham, UK (2012). He teaches courses related to Theology, New Testament, Church History, Apologetics and Hermeneutics as well as undergraduate mathematics. He serves as a deacon at the North Boulevard Church of Christ in Murfreesboro, TN. Michael’s newest books are David Young and Michael Strickland, The Rhetoric of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark (Fortress Press, 2017) and William Fowler and Michael Strickland, The Influence of Ezekiel and The Fourth Gospel (Brill, 2018).

Why Do We Confess Jesus as Messiah and Lord?

Why Do We Confess Jesus as Messiah and Lord?

We call the “good confession” what Christians confess out loud when they convert to Christ. Early Christian formulations of the good confession point to two important ideas. First, confessing that Jesus is the “Christ” is saying that he is the promised Messiah of Israel. The Old Testament contains promises, titles, prophecies, and sufferings regarding the […]
