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About Us

Renewing the Teachings of Jesus to Fuel Disciple Making

We are disciples of Jesus from various ethnicities, generations, nations, and communities and we champion all of Jesus’ teachings for disciple making and disciple making movements.

Because You Say So, I Will

Because You Say So, I Will

God’s ways are higher than our ways, so it’s no wonder that some of His commands don’t always make sense to us. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people being asked to do things that defy human logic. In the fifth and sixth chapters of Luke, Jesus repeatedly asked people to take actions that […]

Sabbath Won’t Just Happen

Sabbath Won’t Just Happen

It feels impossible to find time to meet. Check your calendar for openings, notify me of availability, and see what might look good in the next few weeks. Six months later we are in the same place. Sync schedules, pivot to Google Calendars, and submit a Doodle poll. Nothing. Our calendars have less empty space […]

Why Do We Confess Jesus as Messiah and Lord?

Why Do We Confess Jesus as Messiah and Lord?

We call the “good confession” what Christians confess out loud when they convert to Christ. Early Christian formulations of the good confession point to two important ideas. First, confessing that Jesus is the “Christ” is saying that he is the promised Messiah of Israel. The Old Testament contains promises, titles, prophecies, and sufferings regarding the […]


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NEW! Step into Scripture with Tina

Available on iTunes, Google Play, and RSS

New! Scripture in Black & White

Available on iTunes, Google Play, and RSS

Real Life Theology Podcast New Season OUT NOW!

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Books & Ebooks

Ready for Revival? It's Time to Relearn Prayer and Fasting.

The power of the Holy Spirit has inflamed disciple-making movements all throughout history as faithful disciple makers have prayed and fasted. To help us powerfully impact our churches, cultures, and countries for Christ, Dave and Mike have prepared this helpful manual. 

— Tony Twist, President and CEO, TCM International Institute

Featured Book

Prayer & Fasting: Moving with the spirit to renew our minds, bodies, and churches

This book is for Christians who are waking up from the uneasy peace churches have made with the way things are. The modern church’s contentedness in maintaining membership rolls doesn’t compare with the early church’s zeal for spreading the gospel far and wide. For Christians ready for revival, it’s time to reintroduce serious prayer and fasting—not as sporadic irregularities but as serious habits.

“Many churches are either not talking about what the Bible teaches about divorce or they give confusing answers.”

If you personally trust and follow Jesus, it’s important to know what the Bible says about how we live our lives. This includes knowing what the Bible says about marriage and divorce. God gave humanity Scripture as our sure guide to knowing how to truly trust and follow Jesus (2 Tim. 3:16-4:5). If we carefully attach ourselves to the teachings of Scripture, they will help us to see more clearly.

Featured eBook - available for reading or listening

What does the Bible say about divorce? 10 truths about marriage and divorce

In this free eBook,” we summarize biblical teachings on marriage and divorce in 10 clear truths. 

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Renew is a 501c3 and relies on the generous financial support of faithful friends and partners. Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement as, together, we renew the teachings of Jesus!