Carol Stine

Carol Stine is the mother of four children and grandmother of 11 grandchildren. She graduated from St. Louis Christian College with a degree in Christian ministry and served with her husband at Ninos de Mexico near Mexico City, Mexico. She established a K-12 school there, and served as director until they returned to the US. She served Boise Bible College and St. Louis Christian College, as adjunct professor. She has served churches in children’s and women’s ministries. Carol has written and taught women’s Bible studies for many years, as well as speaking for women’s meetings, retreats and conferences.

Who Was Sarah in the Bible?

Who Was Sarah in the Bible?

Who was Sarah in the Bible? God continually looks for those people who will be faithful to participate in His plan to bring salvation to the world. Enter Abraham and Sarah. God called Abram and his wife Sarai to leave their home and go on a journey of faith that would change the world. God’s […]

Who Was Deborah in the Bible?

Who Was Deborah in the Bible?

Who was Deborah in the Bible? Scripture introduces Deborah as “the wife of Lappidoth, a prophetess, and a judge.” In the words of her celebratory victory song, she declares: “The villagers ceased in Israel; they ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel.” (Judges 5:7) Considering the critical moral […]
