“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8, NIV)
Through all the wonder and joy of Jesus’ birth, we know Satan lurks in the background. He must have hated what was happening in Bethlehem. As if they were playing chess, God made a colossal move by sending Jesus as a human. Without a doubt, Satan was scheming his next move even before the Magi reached Jerusalem. If, regarding Jesus’ birth, Satan were interviewed, I think it would go something like this:
Interviewer: What do you think of Jesus being born in an animal stall in Bethlehem?
Satan: On the surface, it seems like an odd choice. The King of kings lying in a bed of straw? But I know God’s ways have deeper meanings. So, no, I’m not fond of it at all. A glitzy palace with lots of guards, jewels, and luxury like Buckingham Palace follows suit with royalty and would have created more space between Him and the commoners. But His lowly birth? Ugh! Now ordinary folks feel like they can approach Him and relate to Him. I work hard to make God seem unrelatable and unapproachable, so this really throws me off. The last thing I want is for people to know how badly God wants a close relationship with them.
You know what else I hate? It shows the humility of Jesus. He was born in a dirty feed trough! Jesus said He wants His followers to be humble, but instead of just preaching it, He actually did it himself.
“Jesus said He wants His followers to be humble, but instead of just preaching it, He actually did it himself.”
Knowing people are more apt to follow suit if it’s modeled, that move gave Him more credibility, from the start. And it pains me to say, but it’s worked with some. Humble Christians present a great danger to my mission in the world because God keeps using them to do His best work in the world. They rarely focus on themselves—with their finite resources and power—but instead focus on their Master with His infinite resources and power. Humility is the antithesis to my work; the more I can convince humans to be prideful and self-centered, the greater my stronghold in this world.
Interviewer: What are your thoughts on Mary?
Satan: Well of course God had to show off again with another miracle, choosing a virgin to be the mother of His Son. I was hopeful Mary’s situation in life, her reputation and future, would have given her pause and made her angry and unwilling to serve. Doesn’t she know what she gave up? I hate that Mary said “yes” to God. It’s another hurdle to overcome because I know her trust inspires others to trust my enemy, God. Mary’s willingness to submit to Him makes her my enemy too.
“Humble Christians present a great danger to my mission in the world.”
Interviewer: Shepherds and Magi visited Jesus after his birth. Any thoughts about those visitors?
Satan: I mean, I have to give God credit for His power. He orchestrated a star to lead the Magi to Jesus. Then there was the heavenly host that appeared before the shepherds. God knows what He’s doing. The star and the angels really didn’t surprise me, though. What bothers me most is that people keep telling their story year after year.
I wince every time I hear parents tell their children about the shepherds and Magi. If people would stop telling the stories altogether, I could effect more change. Stories of faithful people inspire others to deeper faith, and that’s why I try to divert the humans’ attention to what I can control. People consumed with materials things, Black Friday deals, and the next best gadget don’t have time to tell the stories, so I push that agenda. And if that doesn’t work, I make them believe they are too busy to share.
“Stories of faithful people inspire others to deeper faith.”
Interviewer: Herod was clearly threatened by the birth of Jesus. What’s your take on Herod?
Satan: Now that’s a guy I can appreciate! He was just a man holding on to power. I don’t know anyone who, after getting on top, wants to lose it. Do you? So, I don’t blame him for trying to kill Jesus. I loved that part of history! But what really bothers me about Christians is that when they talk about Jesus’ birth, they include Herod’s involvement, too. I wish I could erase that part out of Matthew’s account.
Here’s why: When Christians talk about Herod, I fear they realize that opposition might come. I can do better work when Christians naively believe that they will never face any resistance. Because when resistance does come—and I will ensure it does—they aren’t quite as prepared for it. And since they’re not prepared, they find it more difficult to face, so they’re more likely to give up and walk away. That, my friend, is a victory for me.
“Since they’re not prepared, they find it more difficult to face, so they’re more likely to give up and walk away.”
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your thoughts. As you know, many people take time each year to focus on the birth of Jesus, and there’s a lot of talk about the Christians’ joy during the Christmas season. How about you—what brings you the most joy during this season?
Satan: I love it when people focus more on stuff than people. I appreciate it when people have an opportunity to forgive loved ones, or at least re-connect, but choose not to. It’s great to see people become so busy and stressed that they forget to rest in God. The more stressed, anxious, and exhausted humans are, the easier it is for me to get them to be ugly toward each other. But really, I love it when Christmas is over, because I do see more joy, celebration, fun, and love during December, so it’s nice when it’s over and people get back to normal, which makes my job a lot easier.
Excerpted from Rob Long, O Come Let Us Adore Him: 31 Christmas Devotionals to Find Meaning in the Manger