Richard Knopp (MA, MDiv, PhD) is the Executive Director of Room For Doubt and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy & Christian Apologetics at Lincoln Christian University. Room For Doubt provides presentations and resources to encourage questions, address doubts, and strengthen Christian faith. Rich’s special interests and publications focus on different worldviews, Christian ethics, and the relationship between Christianity and science. He wrote’s book Truth About God: What Can We Know and How Can We Know It? His multimedia presentations have been attended by about 85,000 youth and adults at academic events and numerous churches, conferences, conventions, and camps.
One common, and understandable, objection to the existence of the God of the Bible is the reality of evil. It’s not just an intellectual issue; it’s a very personal and deeply emotional one. But a number of considerations can help us see that the existence of God and the existence of evil in our world are […]