Virgil Hurley

Virgil has been a Christian since 17. He has a B.A, M.A., and B.D. from Lincoln Christian College and Seminary, and is currently a pastor at a Senior’s Church in Escondido, CA. He has written numerous articles for Christian Standard and Restoration Herald Magazines, several books, and currently focuses on weekly blogs and helps for […]

Doug Gamble

Doug is married with 5 kids ranging in age from 27 to 14. He serves as the Director of Church Relations for Good News Productions, International (GNPI) working to develop partnership for the mission to reach the 6 billion people around the world who do not know Jesus. Before GNPI, he served in various pastoral roles in […]

Amanda Brummett

Amanda Brummett was raised in Richmond, Virginia as a pastor’s kid, where she first learned a love for God and his local church. She has served vocationally at Journey Christian Church since September 2022, where she currently works as the Elementary Ministry Director. Alongside her fiancé Michael, she enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with […]

Jaron Scott

Jaron is set out to lead people to Jesus and build leaders who lead people to Jesus. He and his wife Chelsi have been married since September of 2018. They have 1 son, Theodore. Jaron is currently pursuing his mission of leading people to Jesus, and building leaders who lead people to Jesus, by pastoring […]

Adam Jones

Adam has been the Preaching Minister at Connect Christian Church in Carl Junction, MO, since 2015. He graduated from Ozark Christian College with a Bachelors in Biblical Literature in 2001 and has served churches in Missouri, Indiana, and Ohio in a variety of roles. Adam married his wife, Grace, in 2002. They have 1 biological […]

Chad Summa

Chad Summa (Ph.D. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) has taught Old Testament Studies at Central Christian College of the Bible for the last 21 years. He has a lovely wife Mary, three children, Wilder, Maryella, and Valor, and is in the process of adopting more from Bulgaria. His interests include the Bible, archaeology, classical fencing/swordplay, and […]

Josh Howard

Josh Howard

Josh Howard has lived in India since 2008 and has a passion to see the Kingdom of God spread throughout the world through raising up disciples who make disciples, leaders who create leaders, and churches that plant churches. In 2015, he launched a ministry called “Ignite,” which has seen over 20,000 churches started in about […]

John Davis

John Davis serves as Senior Minister of Columbia Christian Church in Columbia, KY where he lives with his wife and two kids. He holds a Master’s in Theological Studies from Cincinnati Bible Seminary and has been in full-time ministry since 2011. He is the author of two books: God-Centered Christianity: The Bible’s Antidote for Self-Centered Religion (CRA, […]