Nathan Guy

Nathan Guy (PhD, University of Cambridge) is associate professor of philosophy, theology, and ethics at Harding University where he also serves as the director of the David E. Smith Healthcare Ethics and Human Dignity Initiative. Nathan is the preaching minister for the West Side Church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas, adjunct professor in the School for Professional Studies at St. Louis University, and chairman of the board for the Center for Christian Studies. Dr. Guy received his graduate training from Oxford University (MPhil, New Testament Theology), The London School of Economics & Political Science (MSc, Philosophy & Public Policy), and Cambridge University (PhD, Philosophical Theology). He is currently pursuing certification in Healthcare Ethics from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School’s Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity (Deerfield, IL). The former president of Mars Hill Bible School (Florence, AL), Nathan is the author of Finding Locke’s God: The Theological Basis of John Locke’s Political Thought (Bloomsbury, 2019). He and his wife Katie enjoy life together with their daughter (Grace) and son (Henry).