Jonathan Lichtenwalter is a leader of a Bible Discussion in Dallas, TX, and greatly desires to see the gospel spread throughout the Dallas area. Since he was a teenager, he started to question his Christian beliefs to see how they held up to reason and other belief systems. He is now passionate about teaching apologetics to build up the faith of fellow Christians. He loves to use his writing and studies to build up the faith of others, to help disciples grow deeper in their understanding of scripture, and to share the truth of the gospel with nonbelievers. His hobbies include, but are not limited to, playing the piano, classical and jazz music, creative writing, and listening to great podcasts. He is recently married to his best friend and beautiful wife Nicole and is currently getting his Master’s degree in Missional Leadership from Rochester University.
The scriptural narrative of the promised land that Israel would come to inhabit included two different streams of thought: one of total separation from the surrounding nations, and another that recognized a possibility for inclusion. Deuteronomy and Joshua include commands of a fierce and unyielding separation from the nations that Israel would come to inhabit. […]