Jim Kilson is the Preaching and Teaching Minister at Lane Christian Church (IL), where he’s served for the past eleven years. He has a BA in Cross-Cultural Ministry from Central Christian College of the Bible and an MA in Ministry and TESOL Certification from Lincoln Christian Seminary, and he’s currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Theology. He’s been married to Kim, the love of his life, for 22 years, and they have a son named Noah. Jim comes from a long line of Restoration Movement preachers, and his passion is that people can experience the life transformation that comes through an authentic relationship with Jesus.
On June 27, 2002, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS, sometimes called “Mormonism”) dedicated the newly rebuilt Temple in Nauvoo, IL. The original Temple had been dedicated in 1846 and abandoned shortly after that when the Latter-day Saints fled Illinois, eventually settling in Utah. One month earlier, I graduated from Bible College […]