Original Sin or Ancestral Sin?

A nearly universal assumption we make as human beings is that we can do right and wrong things, good and evil things. This article isn’t about the basis for determining “right” or “wrong,” or “good” and “evil,” but about the human predicament we all find ourselves in: Why do we sin? The Christian scriptures offer a […]

Abraham, Jacob, and Generational Sin

When reading through the Old Testament, we find many common themes. One common theme is that there are specific sins shared among generations. This can appear as an older generation doing something and a younger one being punished for it. Generational sin also takes the form of sin habits being passed down to the next […]

Are There Generational Curses? What the Bible Teaches on the Subject

Are there generational curses? You’ve probably noticed physical traits passed from generation to generation in your family. But what about spiritual and moral traits? Is there anything hereditary about spirituality? Although the Bible describes the consequences of sin passing from generation to generation, one of its central messages is that God’s grace and power are […]