Review of Richard & Christopher Hays’s ‘The Widening of God’s Mercy’
In The Widening of God’s Mercy, father and son Richard and Christopher Hays show why they believe same-sex sexual relationships and marriage ought to be fully welcomed in the church today. The present book represents a change of mind and therefore comes with much anticipation: what new data led him to reverse his earlier position? […]
Feeling Alone in Ministry?
“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people. For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. […]
An Editor’s Take on Megan Basham’s ‘Shepherds for Sale’
September 2, 2024 Everybody loves an editor. (Ha, that’s the closest you’ll get to an editor joke.) The truth is, nobody likes being told all the ways they could have said what they said better. But it’s also true that every writer needs a good editor, which is why I never like to publish or […]
The Scariest Nice Person in Your Church
What comes to mind when you think of “one-hand clapping”? Perhaps you think of the Zen “koan” in which the Zen master asks the student, “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” For months, the student searches for it in vain until meditating and arriving at the “soundless sound” that transcends all sound.[1] “One […]
Progressivism and the Resurrection of Jesus
Orthodox, biblical, historic Christianity does not stop at the death of Jesus. It goes straight from Jesus’ death to his resurrection—which is the flip side of the same redemptive coin. In the death of Jesus, we get our sins forgiven, and in the resurrection of Jesus, we get a new life. Progressives often struggle with […]
Losing My Faith in Progressive Christianity: There and Back Again? (Part 8)
This is Part 8 in a series on leaving progressive Christianity by Dave Stovall, worship leader and former lead singer of Wavorly and band member of Audio Adrenaline. He describes how his journey into progressive Christianity left him dissatisfied and how he found the road to a more sustainable, faithful faith. Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 and Part […]
John Cooper of Skillet on Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World
John Cooper is the lead singer of the band Skillet and an outspoken advocate for the counter-cultural ways of Jesus. Recently, John wrote the foreword for David Young’s new book Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World. You’ll appreciate reading John’s wisdom in this foreword and seeing his appreciation for David Young’s Resilient. This will […]
4 Tracks in American Christianity: A Tool for Cutting Through the Smoke and Heat
Christianity in America seems more confusing than ever. Imagine American Christianity as a vehicle that seems to be breaking down on a long road trip. The check engine light is illuminated. The engine is sputtering. The flashers are engaged. The vehicle is pulled to the side of the road. Then, when concerned Christians pop and […]