Renew Review: ‘The Anxious Generation’ by Jonathan Haidt
In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt describes how GenZ is overprotected in the real world—and underprotected in the virtual world. Professor Chad Ragsdale explores Haidt’s thesis and describes how we can learn from Haidt to help an anxious generation find peace.
No Laughing Matters: Why We Ought to Laugh
Hopefully we can agree that we’re anxious, worried, and preoccupied with worst-case scenarios that are unlikely to materialize. We are told we are in an existential crisis, journeying in uncharted territory, and voting in the most consequential election of our lifetime. It all feels heavy and dark. We’ve become apoplectic about the apocalyptic. It might […]
Letter to the Struggling Man in our Day
Hey brother, I heard you’ve been knocked around a bit lately, and I just wanted to stop by and see how things are going. Don’t worry, I won’t tell you I understand how you feel. I know; it stinks when people say that. It’s cheap. I don’t want to offer something trite or flippant. I […]
What Is the Day of the Lord? And So What?
Think of a problem, pain, or predicament you’re facing right now. What is it? Perhaps something related to a difficulty in your relationships? Or an inner struggle with sadness, shame, or fear? Maybe a challenge in your work or problem with your health? Now take it a step further, and consider the sickness of humanity. […]
God Parted the Red Sea. So, What Does That Mean for Me?
Which movie does the best job portraying the panic of seeing Pharaoh’s chariots closing in before God parted the Red Sea? Let’s do a multiple choice: The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston as Moses Prince of Egypt, starring Val Kilmer as Moses Exodus: Gods and Kings, starring Christian Bale as Moses Good question. But if we’re […]
Legion in the Bible: An Army of Demons VS Jesus’ Authority
Author’s note: Jesus claimed that all authority in heaven and on earth was given to him (Matthew 28:18-20). Although his authority blazes from every text of the Gospels, perhaps his most impressive displays of authority happened when he would confront a demon possessing and tormenting a human. In the Gospels, no account of demon possession […]
What Does Our Faith Teach That Our Society Needs?
Christianity emerged in a world vastly different from the values espoused by followers of Christ. Slavery was assumed to be a necessary part of a functioning society, and slaves could be thought of as living property and tools.[1] An adulterous wife was a disgrace to be dealt with harshly, but men were free (even expected!) […]
Love Always Hopes?
Paul’s description of love in 1 Corinthians is repeated in and around church so much, many of us just tune it out. It’s a shame because that passage contains some of the richest truths in the Bible. Whenever I read it, I feel an undercurrent of conviction—a reminder to evaluate my motivations. Why am I […]