Reaching & Discipling Women: A Guide to Women’s Ministry in Your Church


Anessa Westbrook is passionate about reaching and discipling women—and doing it wisely and effectively. She wants to help you and your church do the same.

Have you wondered how churches can do a better job reaching women in their community? Or what are some of the ways women can best help each other grow spiritually? Or what an effective women’s ministry looks like?

Anessa comes at these important questions from multiple angles of expertise. As a mom, she has helped disciple her daughters with intentionality and care. As a missionary, she and her husband have applied disciple making principles in multiple contexts. As a researcher and professor (Harding University), she has studied these principles extensively and guided students in applying them in their own ministry contexts. In this free eBook, Anessa will guide you as you reach and disciple women in your church and community.

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