Disciple Making: The Core Mission of the Church


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The early church did not approach church the way most Western churches do today. If they had, the church would not still be around today. Many churches today are producing church attenders, but Jesus called us to produce—and reproduce—disciple makers. In Disciple Making, Harrington and Sager make the scriptural case for disciple making as the church’s core mission. They define what it means to be a disciple and articulate the results among churches who shift toward cultivating a disciple making culture.

I love that these men have not only created a clear and concise theology for every believer, but also that they are disciple makers who seek to live out what they teach.

— Jim Putman, author of Real-Life Discipleship

A short, compelling read that invites followers of Jesus into the life-changing call to embrace Jesus’ commitment to disciple making.

— Dave Clayton, Lead Minister of Ethos Church and Leader of Awaken Nashville

This work is solid, short, and foundational. This practical tool can help church leaders to get on the same page.

— Bill Hull, author and founder of The Bonhoeffer Project

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