Mark McCoy

Mark joined the Antioch Christian Church staff in Marion, IA, in 2015. He and his wife Erica have five children. Mark has undergraduate degrees from Ozark Christian College in Theology and Biblical Literature and a master’s in leadership studies from Cincinnati Christian University. Mark loves listening to people’s stories, and he loves to walk with people as they grow into the amazing followers of Jesus and life-giving community that Jesus continues to create!

What Does God Think About You?

What Does God Think About You?

What does God think about you? Take a breath and a long pause and ask yourself that question. Of all the questions I like—and I love questions—this has become one of the most ground-breaking for me. I suppose the question seems obvious, until you try to answer it. There are other versions: how does God […]

Afraid of Getting Baptized?

Afraid of Getting Baptized?

You are afraid of WHAT?! When bold men bow their knee to Jesus willingly and vulnerably, it reminds me that Jesus really is “the Man.” My friend and I were making small talk as he was waiting to be baptized. What he said shocked and delighted me. It’s honestly one of my favorite stories of […]

4 Creative Ways Churches are Serving Their Communities

4 Creative Ways Churches are Serving Their Communities

How does a church step up and serve its hurting community when restricted by social distancing? Here are four creative snapshots of church leaders getting creative for the sake of their communities. The “Dollar Club” Sy Huffer, College Heights Christian Church in Joplin, MO Each week, we are asking everyone to give $1 per family […]
