What Does the Bible Say About Divorce? 10 Truths About Marriage and Divorce

What Does the Bible About Divorce

What Does the Bible Say About Divorce? 10 Truths About Marriage and Divorce

By Bobby Harrington | Bio

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On Saturday morning, I sat with a couple who are weeks away from their 70th Anniversary. I took a picture as the husband reached out and held the hand of his barely conscious wife. After years of back surgeries, spinal degeneration, and growing dementia, he spends many days just holding her hand, in their assisted living accommodations, as she glides in and out of consciousness.

The picture is the one we all hope for when we get married: the vision of ending our days on earth, as an elderly couple, with tender love and support for one another as husband and wife.

The amazing thing about this couple is that forty years ago no one would have predicted it. They were the poster-couple for a divorce: separated four times, he struggled with alcoholism and was abusive, and there were many various siren voices calling her to just divorce him. But then he genuinely repented and turned to Jesus. She waited to see if he was genuine and then gave him one last chance. They believed Jesus was calling them both to stick with their marriage and work it out.

And they did work it out. I know the story first hand.

The man and woman are my mom and dad.

Their commitment to Jesus was the biggest factor that saved my parent’s marriage. And that included Jesus’ teachings on marriage and divorce.

“Their commitment to Jesus was the biggest factor that saved my parent’s marriage.”

These are hard topics today. But God has our best interests at heart by them. God means them for our good, for the good of our children, and for the good of our communities.

So, what does the Bible say about divorce?

What does the Bible say about divorce? Through Scripture Jesus teaches us that marriage is good and its purpose is for companionship, sexual enjoyment, and raising godly children. It is such an important commitment that Jesus teaches his followers not to get a divorce, with exceptions on the grounds of sexual immorality or for desertion by an unbelieving spouse. God is gracious with our failures, but those who trust and follow Jesus take his teachings seriously and follow him (John 14:15).

If you personally trust and follow Jesus, it’s important to know what the Bible says about how we live our lives. This includes knowing what the Bible says about marriage and divorce. God gave humanity Scripture as our sure guide to knowing how to truly trust and follow Jesus (2 Tim. 3:16-4:5). If we carefully attach ourselves to the teachings of Scripture, they will help us to see more clearly. Unfortunately, many churches are either not talking about what the Bible teaches about divorce or they give confusing answers based upon current cultural and psychological philosophies.

“Many churches are either not talking about what the Bible teaches about divorce or they give confusing answers based upon current cultural and psychological philosophies.”

What does the Bible say about divorce? This eBook explores ten truths, one per chapter, providing a summary of what the Bible teaches about marriage and divorce.