Face the Future!

Join our National Gathering

The Church Needs Leaders.

Christianity is declining, and one of the first signs is fewer leaders stepping up. Bible colleges struggle to enroll future ministers. Church plants stall. Established churches can’t find pastors—and many close their doors.

We must act now. Renewal is the answer.

It starts with pursuing God in Scripture, raising up leaders, and making true disciples of King Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Will you join us?

Our theme for the 2025 National RENEW.org Gathering is “Facing the Future: Making True Disciples of King Jesus.”

Monday, April 28th and Tuesday, April 29th

What is the RENEW.org Gathering?

Better disciple-making starts here. Hosted by RENEW.org, this gathering is where disciple-making leaders sharpen their vision, strengthen their faith, and connect with like-minded kingdom builders. Experience two days of transformative teaching, interactive conversations, and powerful networking designed to equip you for real impact. The RENEW.org Gathering is your launchpad for biblical theology, stronger churches, and a more vibrant disciple-making movement.


See all of our 2025 Speakers and more below.

More Speakers to be Announced!

The Logistics

Location: Mt. Gilead Christian Church 6019 East SR 144 Mooresville, IN 46158

Schedule of Events

(Eastern Time)

1:30 to 4:30PM Disciple Making Training: FREE for registered attendees!

6:30PM to 6:45PM Opening Session in Auditorium

6:45PM to 8PM Collaborative Conversations Breakouts

8:15PM to 8:30  Monday Wrap-up in Auditorium

8:30 to 10PM Movie Premier Following Jesus in an LGBTQ+ World

8AM Doors Open

8:30 Main Stage Session in Auditorium

10:45 Breakouts

11:45 Lunch

1PM Main Stage Session in Auditorium

5PM Close

Nearby Lodging





This year, our breakouts fall into three formats:

Additionally, some ministry partners will host their own sessions within the three breakout times, crafting unique learning and networking experiences open to all attendees.

1. Disciple Making Training (April 28th, 1:30–4:30 p.m.): Engage in three-hour teaching and training sessions, led by thought leaders and practitioners, focusing on effective disciple-making methods.

Bobby Harrington & Paul Huyghebaert and Jeff Faull as we teach how to align your church 1) missionally, 2) theologically, 3) philosophically, 4) organizationally, and 4) relationally around disciple making.

Join longtime senior minister/pastor Rowlie Hutton as he describes how small groups can disciple people as they follow up on and use the weekly sermon.

Join David Young, RENEW.org’s Scholar in Residence, as he shares the nuts and bolts of effective disciple making.

Join Tina Wilson, speaker and author of Step Into Scripture, as she describes a proven model for discipling women.

Join lead pastor Matt Wilson as he describes how to effectively disciple men in your church.

Join David Roadcup, Gary Johnson and the folks at e2 (Effective Elders) as they share the keys to discipling elders.

Join senior minister/pastor Brett Andrews and his associate minister/pastor Preston Conder as they describe how they are raising the next generation of high school students to be sold out to disciple making movement principles.

Join Harding University’s Carl and Alicia Williamson as they teach you how to use the Trust and Follow Jesus model of micro-discipling that is transforming college campuses and churches.

Join Family Discipleship Minister Mike Rozenboom and RENEW.org Editorial Director Daniel McCoy as they share keys for effective discipleship in the home.

Join Michelle Eagle and J.P. Robinson, Discipleship Ministers at Harpeth Christian Church, as they show you how to help people to change in their inner person.

Join Josh Howard of Discipleship.org as he presents the concept of a parallel track of an attached disciple making movement strategy running beside traditional-church programming.

Join Shodankeh Johnson from Africa as he shares the keys to their disciple making movement in West Africa that has transformed an entire country.

2. Monday Night Collaborative Conversations (April 28th, 6:45–8:00pm): Guided discussions where attendees participate in the conversation, and leaders facilitate. These breakouts are tailored to various leadership and ministry contexts.

John Bliffin and David Mieja will lead a Spanish-speaking networking session for those attending who are interested. They will also host a class during each breakout session on Tuesday and provide translation during main stage sessions.

Todd Wilson, David Putman, and Brett Andrews will lead this collaborative meeting. They will introduce and connect those involved and those interested to this new organization providing a clear pathway for individuals, churches, networks, and other strategic partners to plant churches with good theology and a culture of reproduction.

Join Chip Pugh and Anthony Rex for the B1M1 Church for the Campus planting pre-conference. They will be sharing the vision, process, and introducing the network of leaders already engaged in this mission.

Monte Cox will lead this session. More information to come…

Attention musicians, authors, worship leaders and creatives! Join Dave and friends to discuss what the arts can look like to those that hold good biblical theology as a priority.

Led by Gary Johnson and David Roadcup

More info to come…

Led by Bobby Harrington and Jason Ishmael

Led by Megan Rawlings and Michelle Eagle

Led by Mike Rozenboom

More info to come…

Join African American church leaders for a time of networking and encouragement.

More info to come…

3. Tuesday Breakouts TBA (April 29th, 10:50–11:50pm): Traditional teaching sessions for equipping and instruction.

All registered attendees will receive a FREE copy of choice from the event's THREE featured books:

What Are You Waiting For?: A Young Leader’s Guide to Changing the World by Josh Branham, Following Jesus in an LGBTQ+ World: A Guide for Embracing Hard Teachings & Embracing Hurt People by Guy Hammond, or The Disciple Making Grandparent by David Upchurch and Daniel McCoy

Attendees may want to stay 8:30 to 10pm Monday for the movie premier Following Jesus in an LGBTQ+ World, featuring the author of the book by the same title, Guy Hammond. This movie follows Guy and filmmaker,  Nathan Taliaferro exploring similar themes unpacked in the book.

The Venue

Mt. Gilead Christian Church

6019 East SR 144

Mooresville, IN 46158

This is the RENEW.org National Gathering you do not want to miss!

We believe a focus on a theology that fuels disciples and disciple making is the key. Our lineup will include the usual rapid fire mix of TED-style presentations, worship, prayer, and discussion time.

Special Thanks to This Year's Top Sponsors! We Are So Grateful for Your Support.

Sale Price Right Now is $159, save almost 30% today! Full Price $229
