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This week in your family discipleship plan, you’ll explore
“How Should We View the Physical World?” 🌎
you know that God created humans to fill the earth and rule over it? But with
great power comes great responsibility. You shouldn't waste the earth, and you
shouldn't worship it. Instead, you should take care of it as wise stewards. 🌳
1:28a says, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue
it." In other words, God wanted there to be more humans on the earth
enjoying and taking care of his creation. 🌿
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🌎 This week, you'll explore how to
view the physical world God created. You were created to rule over it, but also
to take care of it as wise stewards. Let's be fruitful and multiply, while
respecting and preserving our beautiful planet. #stewardship #creationcare
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🌳 God created you to fill the earth
and take care of His creation. Let's be wise stewards of the planet, fulfilling
our purpose while preserving it for future generations. 🌿 #stewardship #creationcare