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Get ready for your next conversation for family discipleship,
"What Does It Mean to Confess Jesus as Lord?" 🙏
Jesus as Lord means declaring allegiance to Jesus as king and rejecting
anything else as first place in your life. 💪
week, you’ll talk about how confession can mean admitting what you did wrong
and telling other people what you believe. But most importantly, you'll dive
into how confessing Jesus as Lord means recognizing His power, authority, and
sacrificial love. ❤️
week, learn more about how we can declare our allegiance as disciples for
Jesus, our one true king! 👑
Twitter Copy:
ready for your next family discipleship conversation on "Confessing Jesus
as Lord"! Confessing Jesus as Lord means declaring allegiance to Him as
king and rejecting anything else as first place in your life. Join your family
this week and explore this important topic! #confessingJesus
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ready for your next family discipleship conversation on "Confessing Jesus
as Lord"! This week, learn more about what it means to declare our
allegiance to Jesus as our one true king. Explore this important topic with
your family this week! ❤️ #confessingJesus