One year on testosterone? [BTPDKYowWtu]
One year on testosterone? [BTPDKYowWtu]
| 1h 28m 28s | Video has closed captioning.
A recap of the last 7 months, since I've been absent from youtube. Not exactly sure when to consider my one year on T mark. Stopped taking testosterone from September 2009 until January 2010. Talk a little about the mood swings associated with going off of testosterone. Discussing dysphoria and why I've been gone so long. Debating whether or not to change the gender marker on my driver license. Moved yet again. New doctor for my hormones. Slight chance for top surgery much sooner than expected, nothing for sure yet. Debating whether or not to do my phone consult for top surgery before I have the money, I've chosen to go to Dr. Garramone when I do have the money. Showing off some new ink. #sponge secret male enhancement #do penis pumps enlarge #the enlarger penis pump
Aired: January 19, 2025
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