Courageous Renewal: Meeting the Challenge of this Cultural Moment

Courageous Renewal: Meeting the Challenge of this Cultural Moment

By Bobby Harrington | Bio

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We have articulated the principles by which we believe church leaders and churches can meet the most important challenge we face right now:

Courageous Renewal

Courage is needed because we are now living in a culture whose values and practices are such that people are increasingly hostile toward many of the stands Jesus calls us to take. We have to have the courage to resist and even say no to many of the thoughts and feelings promoted by our culture.

Renewal is needed because our churches need the Holy Spirit’s power to create churches full of courageous people. In addition, we are calling God to renew us so that we can be faithful to Jesus and win increasing numbers of people who do not know his ways to place their faith in Jesus.

We are praying that God will use us to influence other church leaders and churches to follow this same path. The 10-minute eBook describes the five key elements of Courageous Renewal:

1. We surrender to Jesus’ Kingship by Making Scripture Alone our Final Authority.
2. We focus on the King Jesus Gospel and Faithful Faith as our Response.
3. We Make Disciple Making the Core Mission of the Church.
4. We Rely on the Holy Spirit through Prayer and Fasting.
5. We Collaborate Cross-Culturally in our Mission.