What Is the Final Judgment?

What is the Final Judgment talked about in the Bible? It is the event at the end of time when God, the righteous Judge, declares each person saved or condemned. In the biblical description of that day, there are elements reminiscent of a courtroom: a summons, the evidence, the verdict, and the exit.  Many Americans […]

A Metanarrative of Renewal

According to God’s grand metanarrative, God renews and restores what was lost. Tony Twist, co-author of Grand Metanarrative: God’s Story as an Invitation to Theology, describes this “metanarrative of renewal.”

If God Is Love, Hell Is Real.

Is hell real? Jesus taught about hell as a real reality for those who persistently reject God. It is a place of separation from God, originally created by God as a place of punishment for the devil and his angels. Although it has become common to assume that a loving God would not send anyone […]