Renew Review: ‘What Comes Next’ by Max Lucado

In What Happens Next: A Traveler’s Guide Through the End of the Age, popular writer Max Lucado walks through what he calls “heaven’s timeline” in order to bring the reader hope in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. New Testament theologian John Whittaker offers an overview of Lucado’s book, including its strengths and weaknesses.

What Does the Bible Say About Hell?

We live in a time when few people have difficulty believing in a God of love. Some central texts in Scripture emphasize this point. Here are a couple key passages emphasizing God’s love, one from the Old Testament and the other from the New Testament: “[God] passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The Lord, the […]

What Is the Day of the Lord? And So What?

Think of a problem, pain, or predicament you’re facing right now. What is it? Perhaps something related to a difficulty in your relationships? Or an inner struggle with sadness, shame, or fear? Maybe a challenge in your work or problem with your health? Now take it a step further, and consider the sickness of humanity. […]

The Final Judgment

After the resurrection of the dead, all humans who have ever lived will stand before God for a final judgment of their lives.[1] This final judgment is described several times in the Bible. It is a sober yet vital reality to which all of our lives are moving. Let’s look at five truths taught throughout […]