Encountering God’s Amazing Grace
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, ESV) Literary editors claim that the phrase “free gift” is redundant. They say the idea of free is implicit in the definition of “gift” and so is unnecessary to mention. However, Paul […]
Christ the Victor: How Did Jesus Beat Our Worst Enemies?
One of Jesus’ titles throughout history is “Christ the Victor.” This title describes how Jesus is victorious over his enemies. But if Jesus is the victor over his enemies, why is there still so much suffering and death in this world? In this excerpt from Real Life Theology Handbook, we explore how Jesus became victorious […]
How Did Jesus Die for Our Sins?
How did Jesus die for our sins? He did it by first entering our human story and being everything we had been created to be but failed to be. Then he was crucified after a sacrificial pattern we see throughout the Old Testament in the Passover, sin offering, and Day of Atonement. At the heart […]
What’s Stronger Than the World’s Most Powerful Nation?
What’s even stronger than the world’s most powerful nation? It’s something God has placed deep within the human soul. “You know what? How about I get you a one-way way ticket to Venezuela! Then maybe you’ll realize how great this country is!” Sound like anybody’s Thanksgiving meal? I would bet an entire pumpkin pie (that’s […]