What We Must Learn from Andrew Tate Even If We Don’t Want To

What do you do with a man of arrogance and rebellion who inspires the hearts of countless young men and boys in a world deliberately set against them? What do you do with Andrew Tate? When a friend asked me about Andrew, I didn’t know much about the man beyond his kickboxing, affluent lifestyle, and […]
Four Rules for Christian Friendship

We know integrity when we’re around it, but what does the word “integrity” actually mean? It’s got the same root word as the one found in “integrate,” “integrated,” and “integral.” The idea is wholeness. It’s bringing the parts together into one whole. So, what would a friend with integrity be like? A friend with integrity […]
Laying Down Your “Freedoms”

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with something I’m seeing in the church. I may have already lost the Western audience from the title, but I think Christians should be talking about this. The phrase “Laying Down Your Freedoms” may have brought 1 Corinthians 10 to mind. To summarize a lengthy passage, Paul describes freedoms that Christians […]
Letter to the Struggling Man in our Day

Hey brother, I heard you’ve been knocked around a bit lately, and I just wanted to stop by and see how things are going. Don’t worry, I won’t tell you I understand how you feel. I know; it stinks when people say that. It’s cheap. I don’t want to offer something trite or flippant. I […]
Carry Each Other’s Burdens

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, NIV) We are living in the most connected age in history. The lightning-quick speed of communication and the vast array of communication methods we have are astounding. I am old enough to have seen the development of many […]
Distractions: A Strategy for Diverting Our Attention from Jesus

I recently got back from a week of serving at a youth camp. It was a great experience, but it showed me how high and constant the watermark of spiritual warfare is in the church. I don’t know about you, but when I hear the phrase “spiritual warfare,” my mind usually goes straight to an […]
Help! I’m Lonely: Good News for Lonely Leaders

I once heard Tim Keller say, “Wise leaders know that leaders are lonely, and they escape the trap of self-pity about it.” True, but Keller’s talk provided no answer to my immediate question, which was, “Yes. But how?!” I dare not trust myself to attempt to round off a Tim Keller sermon. But I will […]