Don’t Underestimate the Younger Generation
“How can a good God let bad things happen?” . . . “What even is blasphemy of the Spirit?” . . . “Is that technically a sin, even if my heart is in the right place?” . . . “I go to church every single Sunday. Why do I need to do more?” . . […]
Youth Leader, You Don’t Have to Work Alone. Join a Learning Community.
“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.” —H.E. Luccock Each of us in our own way is on God’s stage and playing our part in His orchestra. We may even be playing well and not missing a note—which is important. But perhaps the saddest thing as a musician […]
Don’t Miss This About Gen Z
Older generations are pretty hard on Gen Z. It’s easy to dissect what we believe to be generational weaknesses, but I want to share a few observations I’ve made serving these young men in youth ministry. In my opinion, something amazing is happening. I don’t want you to miss it. I just got back from […]
Youth Suicide Prevention: Dos and Don’ts
Most of the crisis intervention experts will maintain that in approximately 80% of all suicide attempts, the person who took their life gave definite, identifiable clues as to their intention. With this insight, youth workers can take a significant step towards suicide prevention by learning the warning signs. The concerned youth worker needs to be […]
How to Disciple through Emotional Trauma: Truth
John 1:17 reads, “For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” Law (or any rule) cannot free people from emotional trauma. You can tell people all day that they have no reason to believe a lie… to be afraid… or to be ashamed. You can tell people to do […]
Reaching the Next Generation Using the Methods of Jesus
One can read hundreds of articles on why the Church is losing the young. Through statistics and studies, we can point to psychological reasons, cultural reasonings, and more. Too many churches have believed the lie that the key to reaching the young is “figuring out” this generation. We change worship styles, hire hipster ministers, and […]
Letter to a Volunteer in Preteen Ministry
To the person interested in helping out in preteen ministry, Preteen ministry is a blast. And the preteen years have incredible potential for spiritual growth. If you are interested in helping with this age group, then as a preteen minister, I would like to share some of what I’ve learned. I was talking recently with […]
Eat Fresh Crow
“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy” – Proverbs 28:13 I was wrapping up class with the youth group one Wednesday evening, when I noticed one of the church’s elders heading directly for me. I could tell by the look on his face that we were about […]