Beatitudes: The Path of the Kingdom

Jesus’ original audience often misunderstood him because they filtered his teachings through their preconceived worldview and the skewed questions that flowed from it. We have a different worldview with different questions, but we basically do the same thing. In the Sermon on the Mount, where we see a bunch of rules, Jesus is trying to […]

Feeling Attacked? A Fight or Flight Response Is Too Weak.

When we as Christians feel our faith being attacked, it’s easy to get tense and slip into the natural “fight-or-flight” response. Doing this can narrow our focus to where we stop seeing crucial things around us.  I noticed a theme that followed me throughout one of my days recently. See if you can catch it: […]

A Spiritual Slaughter We Aren’t Talking About

*Editor’s Note: This is the first of a series of articles pointing our focus on the persecuted church in many parts of the world. This first article, however, reminds us that the Devil’s tactics are not exclusive to physical persecution in foreign countries. He is busy in the Western world as well, with subtle yet […]

Moving Mountains in Myanmar: A Guide to Prayer and Action for Myanmar

“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows…”  Myanmar is a small country crammed between the behemoths of India and China, gently nestled near the powder kegs of Laos and Cambodia. Even so, the struggles outside the borders of Myanmar tend to drown out the travesty happening within the country’s borders. On February […]

Sermon on the Mount: The Persecuted

*Editor’s Note: This is the twelfth article in a 13-part series on the Beatitudes. Here’s the complete list of articles in the series: Who Does Jesus Think He Is? Crowds or Disciples?  The Sermon’s Most Important Word The Pursuit of Happiness Poor in Spirit God’s Answer to the Problem of Evil  Meekness Hunger and Thirst […]