Want to Learn About God? Volunteer to Help Kids.

I am convinced that, to grow up, every young adult needs to spend some time volunteering with, tutoring, or coaching young kids. I recommend this whether the young adult is married with kids or single. No matter your athletic or artistic ability, no matter your income level or family background, every college kid or 20-something […]

Discipling Children: Protecting the Future (Part 3)

This is the final installment in a three-part series on parenting, outlining three phases of discipleship in our children. Plant the Seeds: Discipleship by Planting Seeds of Stability Provide for the Plant: Discipleship by Supportive Relationships & Training Protect the Future: Discipleship by Influence In the first article, I described the first stage of parenting, […]

Discipling Children: Providing for the Plant (Part 2)

This is the second in a three-part series on parenting, outlining three phases of discipleship in our children. Plant the Seeds: Discipleship by Planting Seeds of Stability Provide for the Plant: Discipleship by Supportive Relationships & Training Protect the Future: Discipleship by Influence In the previous article, I wrote about the first stage of parenting, […]

Discipling Children: Planting the Seeds (Part 1)

My husband and I teach a class of 100 adults on Sunday mornings. Earlier this year we were walking through J.D. Greear’s book on the Holy Spirit, Jesus Continued: Why the Spirit Inside You is Better Than Jesus Beside You, based on Jesus’ audacious statement in John 16 that it is for our good for him to […]

Jesus Loves the Little Children—and the Church Must Too.

Jesus loves the little children, and he taught his followers to do the same. This is why churches have historically helped care for children in vulnerable situations, whether facing poverty, foster care, or abortion. Let’s explore what Jesus said about little children and how the early church followed his lead. The littlest ones among us […]