Afraid of Getting Baptized?

You are afraid of WHAT?! When bold men bow their knee to Jesus willingly and vulnerably, it reminds me that Jesus really is “the Man.” My friend and I were making small talk as he was waiting to be baptized. What he said shocked and delighted me. It’s honestly one of my favorite stories of […]

Infant Baptism: Does the New Testament Teach Paedobaptism?


Does the Bible teach infant baptism (also called paedobaptism)? Many denominations of Christianity practice infant baptism, but an exploration of the Scriptures describing baptism and its purpose challenges the practice. Baptism in Scripture involves internal factors such as belief and repentance which do not fit infant baptism.  There was a young couple talking about marriage. […]

What Does the Bible Say about Baptism?

What does the Bible say about baptism? Baptism is immersion in water which expresses repentance from sinful lifestyles and saving faith in Jesus. It is to becoming a Christian what the wedding ceremony is to becoming married. As such, it is best seen as a starting line, not the finish line.  Baptism is an important […]

How People Make the Commitment to Jesus in Baptism

Relationships are a big deal to God. The Bible tells us that life is all about our relationship with God and our relationships with people; everything else is secondary. The word “covenant” is the favorite Bible word to describe the establishment of a formal relationship with God. A covenant is an explicit agreement and commitment […]

How to Botch a Baptism

I was baptizing a friend of mine who was literally twice my size. That in itself made me nervous. What made things instantly worse was that the moment I got him under, his feet floated up. So now I had to get one half (the half that needs to breathe) back up to the surface […]