Renew Review: ‘The Anxious Generation’ by Jonathan Haidt

In The Anxious Generation, social psychologist Jonathan Haidt describes how GenZ is overprotected in the real world—and underprotected in the virtual world. Professor Chad Ragsdale explores Haidt’s thesis and describes how we can learn from Haidt to help an anxious generation find peace.

No Laughing Matters: Why We Ought to Laugh

Hopefully we can agree that we’re anxious, worried, and preoccupied with worst-case scenarios that are unlikely to materialize. We are told we are in an existential crisis, journeying in uncharted territory, and voting in the most consequential election of our lifetime. It all feels heavy and dark. We’ve become apoplectic about the apocalyptic. It might […]

Review of ‘The Anxious Generation’ by Jonathan Haidt

The title of Jonathan Haidt’s new book is not remotely controversial or debatable. That Gen Z is a uniquely anxious generation is demonstrated time and time again both in anecdotal experiences and in survey data. And this book has plenty of both. In fact, one of the most helpful things about The Anxious Generation was […]

What Does the Bible Say About Anxiety?

What comes to your mind when you think of the word “anxiety”? It reminds me of my first year in high school. I was (and still am) a small, 5’1”, 90-lbs. girl. A simple misunderstanding led to a group of senior girls towering over me in the cafeteria, threatening to beat me up. Their height […]

Should Christians Watch Horror Movies?

His friends were aiming only to be able to laugh and say, “Made you look!” Yet Alypius would go a lot farther than one look. As his friends dragged poor, pious Alypius to the gladiator games, he assured them that, fine, he would go with them—but he would keep his eyes shut the whole time. […]