Gratitude and Meaninglessness

I’ve been doing some study from the book of Ecclesiastes lately. This is partly related to a book that I hope to write next year. I also spoke from Ecclesiastes at my daughter’s baccalaureate service recently. The more I’ve studied the book over the last several months, the more I’ve been impressed by a puzzle […]

Household Gods: On Our Tendency to Worship Family

Have you noticed that parents have been acting a bit crazy? The parents getting ejected at youth baseball games for harassing the umpires; The parents losing their minds at school board meetings. The parents schlepping their kids around suburban hotels that exchange uniformed weekday business travelers with briefcases for weekend uniformed children with soccer balls. […]

Ash on the Altar: Reflecting on Our Affinity for Idols

Have you ever read through the Old Testament, muttering, “Why do the Israelites keep setting up shrines to pagan gods?” They trembled at the foot of Mt. Sinai as it burned. They were guided through the wilderness by pillars of fire and smoke. Ample food sprang from the desert wastes for forty years. They experienced […]


The more we get to know God, the more we can see His image in us.