Overview of the Old Testament

The Old Testament begins with God creating a very good world. “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a, NIV). Yet something happened after He created His highest creation: humans. God is good, and He created only good things. Yet He gave humans something good that we misused. It is […]

Deborah and Jael: Unexpected Leaders

In a time when Israel was doing what was right in their own eyes and evil in God’s eyes (Judges 4:1, 17:6, 21:25), God chose certain people to bring the Israelites back to Him. Many times, God went with an obvious choice for a leader, but at other times He chose unexpected people to lead […]

Who Was Deborah in the Bible?

Who was Deborah in the Bible? Scripture introduces Deborah as “the wife of Lappidoth, a prophetess, and a judge.” In the words of her celebratory victory song, she declares: “The villagers ceased in Israel; they ceased to be until I arose; I, Deborah, arose as a mother in Israel.” (Judges 5:7) Considering the critical moral […]

Who Was Caleb in the Bible? Spy, Soldier, and Settler

Who was Caleb in the Bible? Caleb is best known as one of the 12 spies sent by Moses on a reconnaissance tour of the land of Canaan. The reason we know Caleb’s name (and not the others such as Igal, Palti, or Sethur) is that Caleb, along with Joshua, dissented from the other ten […]