How Does Holiness Relate to Love?

How important is holiness? Isn’t it good enough just to be a loving person? And what does it even mean to be holy? The word itself means “set apart.” So, some have answered the question of how to be holy by removing themselves as far as possible from the world. For example, they become monks […]

Summary of 1 Peter: Understanding the Basics of 1 Peter in the Bible

Here’s a short summary of 1 Peter: 1 Peter was written by the apostle Peter, one of Jesus’ original 12 disciples, to the Christians scattered all throughout Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey). These Christians were experiencing varying degrees of social rejection and mistreatment because of their faith in Jesus, so Peter wrote to help them stand […]

Persecuted Christians Are Lights in the Darkness

Abdul Baith has lived in Pakistan most of his life and is a Christian of immense courage. He is not ashamed of the gospel, nor is he afraid of saying what needs to be said. As I sat across the table from him, drinking his delightful Pakistani tea, I needed him to say something. It’s […]